Powder Coated Aluminum Snare


Payment Plan: $62.50 /month


  • British Racing Green

    Modeled after some of the most beautiful cars ever made, the kind owned by people far fancier than me.

    Aged Bronze

    Modeled after the patina in Rodin’s Gates of Hell I used to stare at in fear and wonder as a kid.

    Ti(ph)any Blue

    Modeled after the jewelry I’ll never be able to own.

    Dieter Rams White

    Modeled after the industrial designer, Dieter Ram’s products for the Braun corporation in the sixties, seventies and eighties.

    Sugar Red

    Notwithstanding the grotesque narcissism, this is our company color.

  • Triple Flange

    Die Cast

    Single Flange

    Wood (+ $200)